"Tell Ted" is a heartwarming and insightful children's book written by Amanda, a practising counsellor dedicated to helping young children voice their worries and fears. Drawing on real issues encountered in therapy sessions, the story follows Ted and his friends, Bella and Buddy, as they navigate their challenges and find solutions together.
In this engaging narrative, Bella struggles with separation anxiety when it's time to go to school, and Buddy grapples with his fear of the dark. Through their experiences, Amanda illustrates that feeling anxious and worried is a normal part of growing up and that many children share these feelings.
The book not only offers relatable characters and scenarios, but also serves as a valuable resource for children. It promotes the important message that asking for help is a courageous step. When children reach out for support, they discover that there is a community of caring individuals—parents, teachers, and friends—ready to provide assistance and guidance.
At the back of the book, Amanda includes a helpful guide for parents, caregivers, and teachers, providing strategies to facilitate conversations about worries and how to support children in managing their feelings. This inclusive approach encourages young readers to embrace vulnerability and fosters an environment where asking for help is seen as a strength rather than a weakness.
"Tell Ted" is a powerful tool for encouraging emotional literacy among children, helping them feel understood and empowered. By sharing their worries, young children can learn that they are not alone in their experiences, and that, together, they can discover ways to overcome their fears and anxieties.
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